Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Best of Veronica Mars

Creator: Rob Thomas
Seasons: 4 Episodes: 72 Years: 2004-2020
Premise: Nancy Drew but more clever and with more murder.

My 20 Standout Episodes
1. Pilot S01E01 | #01
Veronica helps new kid Wallace, who is being threatened by a biker gang
2. The Wrath of Con S01E04 | #04
Veronica goes into the gaming community for a fraud case
3. An Echolls Family Christmas S01E10 | #10
Weevil’s money was stolen at Logan’s poker game
4. Clash of the Tritons S01E12 | #12
Veronica infiltrates a secret society at Neptune
5. Betty and Veronica S01E16 | #16
Veronica is hired to track down the school’s mascot but her mom visits
6. M.A.D. S01E20 | #20
Veronica helps a friend seek revenge on a sleazy boyfriend
7. Leave it to Beaver S01E22 | #22
New evidence of Lilly’s murder comes to light
8. Normal is the Watchword S02E01 | #23
Veronica helps Wallace with drug charges
9. Donut Run S02E11 | #33
Everyone is looking for Duncan who disappeared with Meg’s baby
10. Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough S02E13 | #35
Veronica defends Jackie who is accused of stealing money
11. The Rapes of Graff S02E16 | #38
Veronica helps Troy who is accused of campus rapes
12. I Am God S02E18 | #40
Veronica has dreams about the crash; Logan and Wallace team up
13. Not Pictured S02E22 | #44
Veronica figures out who is responsible for the bus crash
14. Welcome Wagon S03E01 | #45
Wallace’s new roommate, Piz, loses his belongings as he moves in
15. Spit & Eggs S03E09 | #53
The campus rapist announces the next location
16. Mars, Bars S03E14 | #58
Veronica tries to help a friend accused of murder
17. Papa’s Cabin S03E15 | #59
Veronica pieces together the clues surrounding Dean O’Dell’s murder
18. Debasement Tapes S03E17 | #61
Piz gets to interview Desmond Fellows but he lost his backing tapes
19.Weevils Wobble but They Don’t Fall Down
S03E19 | #63
Weevil is framed for selling fake cards and is need of Veronica’s help
20.The Bitch is Back S03E20 | #64
A sex video involving Veronica is online and she wants revenge

My Top Five
1. Leave it to Beaver
2. Not Pictured
3. Spit & Eggs
4. Papa’s Cabin
5. Rapes of Graff

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