Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Best of How I Met Your Mother

Creators: Carter Bays, Craig Thomas
Seasons: 9 Episodes: 208 Years: 2005-2014
Premise: A long story about love and sex told to kids

My 20 Standout Episodes
1. Pilot S01E01 | #01
Ted instantly falls in love with Robin; Marshall and Lily get engaged
2. Game Night S01E15 | #15
Barney reveals his hippie past as others reveal embarrassing moments
3. Slap Bet S02E09 | #31
Marshall & Barney bet on Robin’s past not knowing she was a pop star
4. Stuff S02E16 | #38
Ted & Robin have a hard time letting go of stuff; Lily does an awful play
5. Something Borrowed S02E21 | #43
Everything goes wrong for Lily and Marshall’s wedding day
6. Slapsgiving S03E09 | #53
Robin dates an older man; Lily wants a perfect dinner; the third slap
7. Ten Sessions S03E13 | #57
Ted falls for his plastic surgeon but only has ten sessions to woo her
8. Sandcastles in the Sand S03E16 | #60
Robin can’t get over her past Robin Sparkles crush
9. Murtaugh S04E19 | #83
Barney tries to be young as Ted tries out being old; Marshall & Lily coach
10. Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap S05E09 | #97
Lily’s game-making dad appears, Marshall gifts his next slap
11. Girls vs Suits S05E12 | #100
Ted dates the Mother’s roommate, Barney must make a big decision
12. Blitzgiving S06E10 | #122
Hurley’s blitz is passed on as Ted & Barney miss amazing things
13. The Magicians Code, Part I S07E23 | #159
Robin & Ted distract Lily in labour, Barney gets Marshall to the hospital
14. The Final Page, Part I & II S08E11-12 | #172 & #173
Barney is first jinxed then proposes; Ted’s building opens
15. P.S. I Love You S08E15 | #175
Ted dates a Dahlmer not a Dobbler girl
16. The Ashtray S08E17 | #177
Ted, Robin and Lily have different encounters with the Captain
17. Bedtime Stories S09E11 | #195
Rhyming stories of Ted’s date and Robin seeing Simon again
18. The Rehearsal Dinner S09E12 | #196
Robin is mad that Barney wants a laser tag dinner
19. How Your Mother Met Me S09E16 | #200
Mother’s near-misses of Ted before that fateful wedding weekend
20. Last Forever, Part I & II S09E23-24 | #207 & #208
Barney & Robin don’t last, Ted & Tracy are happy together

My Top Five
1. Slap Bet
2. Stuff
3. Murtaugh
4. Ten Sessions
5. Girls vs Suits

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