Friday, June 12, 2020

The Best of Game of Thrones

Creators: David Benioff, D.B. Weiss
Seasons: 8 Episodes: 73 Years: 2011-2019
Premise: Lots of violence and nudity to get the ultimate throne.

My 20 Standout Episodes
1. Winter is Coming S01E01 | #01
Wight walkers discovered; Ned Stark is promoted; Daenerys is engaged
2. A Golden Crown S01E06 | #06
Viserys is jealous, Bronn fights for Tyrion, Arya is trained
3. Blackwater S02E09 | #19
Tyrion & Sansa step up while Joffrey cowers during a battle with Stannis
4. Kissed by Fire S03E05 | #25
The Hound stays alive, Jon + Ygritte, Jamie’s surgery
5. The Rains of Castamere S03E09 | #29
Bran hides from Jon and Wildlings; The Red Wedding occurs
6. The Lion and the Rose S04E02 | #32
Bronn teaches Jamie; Stannis burns people; Joffrey humiliates Tyrion
7. The Laws of Gods and Men S04E06 | #36
Yara tries to save Theon; Daenerys dispenses justice; Tyrion is on trial
8. The Mountain and the Viper S04E08 | #38
Wildings pillage; Littlefinger questioned; Jorah banished; head crushed
9. The Children S04E10 | #40
Stannis beats the Wildlings; Daenrys locks up her dragons
10. Hardhome S05E08 | #48
Tyrion is hired; Arya has a mission; Jon & Tormund fight Wights
11. The Door S06E05 | #55
Sana confronts Littlefinger; Arya sees a play; Hodor saves the day
12. Battle of the Bastards S06E09 | #59
Daenerys takes Mereen back; Sansa & Jon disagree; the bastards fight
13. The Winds of Winter S06E10 | #60
Cersei & Arya get revenge; Melisandre confronted; Daenerys is coming
14. The Spoils of War S07E04 | #64
Lannisters pay debts; Arya returns home; Daenerys takes out Jamie
15. Beyond the Wall S07E06 | #66
Jon and crew capture a walker but are trapped; Arya confronts Sansa
16. The Dragon and the Wolf S07E07 | #67
Tyrion arranges a walker summit; Littlefinger’s manipulation backfires
17. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms S08E02 | #69
Arya flirts with Gendry, former enemies have fireside chats
18. The Long Night S08E03 | #70
The north armies take on the Wight Walkers and the Night King
19. The Bells S08E05 | #72
Daenerys’ army takes down King’s Landing but she goes too far
20. The Iron Throne S08E06 | #73
Jon beats Arya to Daenerys, Hound vs Mountain, the king is crowned

My Top Five
1. Battle of the Bastards
2. The Lion and the Rose
3. Hardhome
4. Blackwater
5. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

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