Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Best of The OC

The Best of THE OC (FOX)
Creator: Josh Schwartz
Seasons: 4 Episodes: 92 Years: 2003-2007
Premise: Dawson’s Creek but more Californian

My 20 Standout Episodes
1. Pilot S01E01 | #01
Ryan is saved by Sandy Cohen who in turn saves Seth at an OC party
2. The Homecoming S01E11 | #11
Ryan visits his brother; Anna & Summer compete for Seth
3. The Best Chrismukkah Ever S01E13 | #13
Seth & Summer give their gifts to Seth; Marissa shoplifts
4. The Goodbye Girl S01E21 | #21
Anna is leaving Newport; Theresa’s boyfriend from Chino is coming
5. The Distance S02E01 | #28
Sandy enlists Ryan’s help in getting Seth to come back home
6. The Chismukkah That Almost Wasn’t S02E06 | #33
Caleb’s past indiscretions might save his from jail but shock the family
7. The Lonley Hearts Club S02E12 | #39
Ryan tries to make peace with Caleb; Seth ruins Summer’s Valentines
8. The Rainy Day Women S02E13 | #40
Seth thinks he’s lost Summer forever; Lindsay takes the DNA test
9. The O. Sea S02E23 | #50
Seth & Zach fight over taking Summer to prom or meets George Lucas
10. The Dearly Beloved S02E24 | #51
Kirsten hits rock bottom with her father’s death, Ryan has it out with Trey
11. The Perfect Storm S03E05 | #56
Marissa’s new friends help Ryan; Summer & Seth try to catch an affair
12. The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-Vahkkah S03E10 | #61
Ryan has a Bar Mitzvah to raise money for Johnny’s knee surgery
13. The Safe Harbor S03E11 | #62
Ryan, Seth and Summer campaign to get Marissa back into Harbor
14. The Cliffhanger S03E14 | #65
Johnny hears about Marissa’s true feelings for him
15. The Graduates S03E25 | #76
The four graduate from Harbor; Marissa moves on
16. The Sleeping Beauty S04E05 | #81
Taylor becomes Ryan sleep therapist; Summer & Che free bunnies
17. The Summer Bummer S04E06 | #82
Seth & Summer miss each other; Ryan fantasizes about Taylor
18. The Chrismukk-huh? S04E07 | #83
While knocked out, Ryan is in an alternate reality where he doesn’t exist
19. The Night Moves S04E15 | #91
After the earthquake, Seth tries to get Ryan to the hospital
20. The End’s Not Near, It’s Here S04E16 | #92
Ryan & Seth try to buy the Cohen’s Berkley house; a baby is born

My Top Five
1. The Best Chrismukkah Ever
2. The Graduates
3. Pilot
4. The Rainy Day Women
5. The End’s Not Near, It’s Here

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