Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The Best of Ed

The Best of ED (NBC)
Creators: Jon Beckerman, Rob Burnett
Seasons: 4 Episodes: 83 Years: 2000-2004
Premise: A lawyer buys a bowling alley and woos his crush.

My 20 Standout Episodes
1. Pilot S01E01 | #01
Ed buys a bowling alley so he can be close to his dreamgirl, Carol
2. The World of Possibility S01E02 | #02
Ed defends a magician; Phil orders salt shakers; the nanny annoys Nancy
3. Just Friends S01E03 | #03
Ed defends a napkin contract and makes a video for Carol
4. Exceptions S01E17 | #17
Ed defends a coach who gives a low grade; Mike is teased by Dr. Jerome
5. The Stars Align S02E01 | #23
Warren gets arrested; Bonnie wants Ed; Carol hates the new principal
6. Changes S02E02 | #24
Ed wants to be cool; Mike wants to quit; Phil wants to be like David Blaine
7. Replacements S02E06 | #28
A rival bowling alley practice competes; Warren wrestles
8. Goodbye Sadie S02E08 | #30
Ed defends a drama teacher; Warren has a publicist; Molly’s car is dead
9. Small Town Guys S02E10 | #32
Ed’s new case could go to the supreme court; Warren is the class clown
10. Wheel of Justice S02E16 | #38
Phil tests clowns; Mike has a new office; a crazy judge concerns Ed
11. The Wedding S03E07 | #51
Ed tries to break up Carol and Dennis’ wedding; Stella hits on Warren
12. Trapped S03E08 | #52
Ed and Carol are locked in Stuckeybowl to work things out
13. Frankie S03E11 | #55
Eli, Warren & Diane cook a farewell meal for Mark; Ed hires Frankie
14. Captain Lucidity S03E17 | #61
Ed controls his own dreams which involves a lot of kissing
15. The Decision S03E22 | #66
Ed needs to decide between Frankie and Carol; Stuckeybowl parties
16. New Car Smell S04E02 | #68
A documentary shows the Carol & Ed moving in and the inevitable fight
17. Death, Debt & Dating S04E05 | #71
Ed defends a college debt, Mike & Nancy test their friends parenting skills
18. Goodbye, Stuckeyville S04E07 | #73
Ed decides to move to New York; Molly has to choose a man to be with
19. The Proposal S04E09 | #75
Mike’s parents visit; Eli cooks Thanksgiving dinner; Ed proposes to Carol
20. Happily Ever After S04E17 | #83
Ed and Carol have a circus wedding, Cousin Mitch upstages Mike

My Top Five
1. Replacements
2. New Car Smell
3. Trapped
4. Pilot
5. Happily Ever After

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