Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Film: Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

GENRE: Crime
RATING: R for stylized violence, nudity, sexual content
RUNTIME: 1 hour and 42 minutes
STARRING: Mickey Rourke (Sin City, The Wrestler, Iron Man 2)
Josh Brolin (Labor Day, MiB3), Jessica Alba (Sin City, Fantastic 4)
DIRECTOR: Robert Rodriguez (From Dust till Dawn, Machete)
WRITER: Frank Miller (Sin City, The Spirit)
PLOT: Revenge and double-crosses abound in Sin City.  

1 The movie was okay but the stories were much better in the first film. I did like the Joseph Gordon-Levitt story though.
2 Again there were some fantastic angles and contrasts of light and dark. It’s visually stunning.
3 They added too much colour this time around. I’m fine with the red lipstick and green eyes but why was Sally in full colour?
4 I hate Eva Green (300: Rise of an Empire). I don’t know why, but she just bothers me for some reason.
5 It was fun to see Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) in this film. Of course, he plays a doctor again.  

Images – theatre, story - Netflix
UPCOMING REVIEWS: Fall Film Preview, Fall TV Preview

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