Friday, May 01, 2020

Influential Albums - Part 3

Welcome to part three. These five albums were the first couple years of university. It was full of drama, both on stage and in my love life.

TITLE: August and Everything After
ARTIST: Counting Crows
YEAR: 1993
GENRE: Alternative Rock
ALBUM TRACKS: ‘Round Here; Omaha; Mr. Jones; Perfect Blue Buildings; Anna Begins; Time and Time Again; Rain King; Sullivan Street; Ghost Train; Raining in Baltimore; A Murder of One

Anna Begins
WHY THIS TRACK: The lyrics almost bring a tear to my eye. I think it’s beautifully written with its subtle changes in the choruses. A heartbreaking song of denying true love until it’s too late. I love that this song was not released as a single; a hidden gem just for us.
ALBUM INFLUENCE: This is the album I think of when I think of university. You could hear the passionate lyrics belting out of many a dorm window. Angsty emo music with poetic lyrics is the bread and butter of “higher thinking” university students. I always felt very in tune with this band and album. Unfortunately, my wife gets tired of Adam Duritz’ “whiny” voice pretty quickly and doesn’t appreciate her name being found in a number of songs including the popular “’Round Here”.

TITLE: Bargainville
ARTIST: Moxy Fruvous
YEAR: 1993
ALBUM TRACKS: River Valley; Stuck in the 90’s; BJ Don’t Cry; Video Bargainville; Fell in Love; The Lazy Boy; My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors; The Drinking Song; Morphee; King of Spain; Darlington Darling; Bittersweet; Laika; Spiderman; Gulf War Song

FAVOURITE TRACK: The Drinking Song
WHY THIS TRACK: I love the lyrics and the four part harmonies especially when they break into “Goodnight Irene”. I’m not a drinker at all but I love the story and the sad ending.
ALBUM INFLUENCE: This band has the quirkiness of Barenaked Ladies with some added eco-consciousness. An Ontarian in my dorm introduced me to these guys with a demo tape that included the catchy “King of Spain”. This was the only album I had of theirs. Unfortunately, one of the group members, Jian Ghomeshi, tainted this band with his violent sexual scandal in 2014. It’s sadder when I listen to this now.   

TITLE: Dookie
ARTIST: Green Day
YEAR: 1994
GENRE: Punk Rock
ALBUM TRACKS: Burnout; Having a Blast; Chump; Longview; Welcome to Paradise; Pulling Teeth; Basket Case; She; Sassafras Roots; When I Come Around; Coming Clean; Emenius Sleepus; In the End; FOD; (All by Myself)

In the End
WHY THIS TRACK: This is a good ‘screw you’ breakup song. Love the energy and the bridge. Gets my body moving when I listen to it.
ALBUM INFLUENCE: This album was my introduction to punk. Sure, I had heard songs from Sex Pistols and The Clash but didn’t buy their albums. I enjoy the shorter punk tracks that are bursting with energy. This was a breath of fresh air among the gloom of some of the music I was listening to at the time. I also saw them rock in a couple concerts. I still enjoy their music, even the new stuff.

TITLE: Jars of Clay
ARTIST: Jars of Clay
YEAR: 1995
GENRE: Christian Alternative Rock
ALBUM TRACKS: Liquid; Sinking; Love Song for a Savior; Like a Child; Art in Me; He; Boy on a String; Flood; Worlds Apart; Blind; (Four Seven)

Worlds Apart
WHY THIS TRACK: The lyrics are powerful and relatable. This is my go to song when I hit rock bottom, especially in my faith. I have often used this song as a prayer during troubled times. The drums are cool too. It causes my heart to pound. 
ALBUM INFLUENCE: Being at Trinity Western University, this band and album was in constant rotation in the dorms (along with dcTalk’s Jesus Freak). The thoughtful lyrics and acoustically driven music pulled me in immediately. Their use of strings in many of their songs was also a nice touch. I was proud of them when “Flood” managed to break into the mainstream markets. When people insult the quality of Christian music, this is one of the bands I suggest.

TITLE: Congratulation I’m Sorry
ARTIST: Gin Blossoms
YEAR: 1996
GENRE: Alternative Rock
ALBUM TRACKS: Day Job; Highwire; Follow You Down; Not Only Numb; As Long as it Matters; Perfectly Still; My Car; Virginia; Whitewash; I Can’t Figure You Out; Memphis Time; Competition Smile; ‘Til I Hear It from You

Not Only Numb
WHY THIS TRACK:  I like the poetry in the lyrics. It’s a song about returning to old haunts and dealing with how things have changed. This song reminds me of times I felt numb and didn’t want to face truths. Someone said that this song reminds them of Zach Braff’s film Garden State. I love that movie. Love this song even more now.
ALBUM INFLUENCE: In my opinion, this is what mid-nineties music sounded like. The acoustic guitars mixed with some emo lyrics and a bit of a raspy voice. This is the album I had in my car for most of the summer of ’96, going from work in the warehouse, to home, then to my fiancĂ©e’s house. Not everything was rosy during this time so a nice mix of semi-happy tunes and emotional questioning fit the bill.

1 comment:

Maria said...

I loved Counting Crows and listened to this album too much during a dark time in my life, so I doesn’t appreciate my name being found in a number of songs. Some great songs to listen to if I need a cry