GENRE: Drama/Thriller
RATING: PG13 for disturbing content and language
RUNTIME: 1 hours and 46 minutes
STARRING: Kate Winslet (The Reader, Titanic, Mildred Pierce) Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes), Matt Damon (The Adjustment Bureau)
DIRECTOR: Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Ocean’s Eleven)
WRITER: Scott Z Burns (The Informant!, Bourne Ultimatum)
PLOT: An outbreak of a deadly disease spreads as the CDC tries to find a cure.
1 Watching the spread of a virus is quite eerie. Soderbergh does a good job of showing the global impact and all the lives at stake. It’s a lot of info in the beginning but it sets the scene for what is to come.
2 Lots of TV and film actors in this film. I think almost every network and basic cable channel is represented. It’s like a Poseidon Adventure with all the inevitable deaths. Fun to see everyone involved though.
3 I don’t know what it is but I just don’t like Laurence Fishburne. I stopped watching CSI when he joined (watching again with Ted Danson in charge). He’s a good actor and picks some great roles (The Matrix), but there’s just something about him that rubs me the wrong way. I’m just sayin’.
4 With a virus epidemic and shortage of medicine, rioting ensues. After the Vancouver riots and London riots, I’m pretty tired of riots. I always get disgusted with humanity when I see that crap happen.
5 Its hard not to leave the theatre slightly affected. You start watching people coughing and praying they don’t touch something like a door with their infected hand. I’m not too germ conscious but I admit that I put some Purell on my hands once I got to the car. I guess it was an effective movie.
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