Monday, December 27, 2021

Film: The King's Man


GENRE: Action Adventure
RATING: R for strong violence and language
RUNTIME: 2 hours and 10 minutes
PLATFORM: Movie Theatre
STARRING: Ralph Fiennes (Grand Budapest Hotel, Harry Potter)
Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans); Harris Dickinson (Maleficent 2)
DIRECTOR: Matthew Vaughn (Kingsman; Kick-Ass)
WRITERS: Vaughn (X-Men: First Class); Karl Gajdusek (Oblivion)
PLOT: A group of spies work together to stop WWI.  

FULL DISCLOSURE: Just a casual fan of the previous films.

STORY STUFF: The story did not grab me. The future Kingman films are light and fun with some James Bond-ish gadgets and action. This one did not have the same energy. There is a lot of exposition. Their playing around with WWI history would be more interesting to me if I knew more about that war. When it comes to the action, most of the fun stuff can be seen in the trailer. I enjoyed the Rasputin fight and the parachute scene. The rest was lagging and pretty ho-hum.

ACTING STUFF: Fiennes is his usual gentlemen self but a bit bland until he’s drunk. Rhys Ifans (Amazing Spider-Man, Notting Hill) chews all the scenery as Rasputin. You can tell that at least he’s having fun. Not much else to say when it comes to the acting in this film.

ARTISTIC STUFF: The fight scenes are well choreographed and there are some fun uses of camera speed. There’s also a bizarre sword perspective that was off-putting for some reason. Costumes were dapper. I did enjoy the use of Wilfred Owen’s poem in the film but that’s because I teach it in English Literature class. Not much else to say.  

VERDICT: One and a half stars out of five
SEE IT IF: You want to see the trailer on a bit of a larger scale.  

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