Saturday, March 29, 2008


So I thought I’d write this review a little differently. I don’t feel like writing really long paragraphs today. Instead I’m going to go with some observances while watching 21 this past Friday. While I’m writing down the times, don’t take them seriously because I really didn’t even look at my watch during the screening.

10:25pm Wow, there’s a lot of people here for a late show on Friday night. The place is packed. People are sitting in my black-railing seats. Crap. I’ll sit in front of them so I can stretch my legs into the walkway. At least I’m not in very front like those poor saps who got in just as the lights were dimming.

10:35pm No Stella Atrois ad. Hallelujah!

10:40pm Some of these previews aren’t bad. I was worried about one with Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz but I found myself laughing by the end of the preview. Same goes for Adam Sandler as a hair-dresser. Are they piping laughing gas into this theatre?

10:48pm Okay, the movie is starting. It’s based on a true story. Is it supposed to be taking place in the past or in the present? Can’t tell by the music. No obvious references to the past that I can see. I guess it’s present day.

10:55pm Hey, Jim Sturgess is speaking American. I keep expecting him to belt out a Beatles tune in his British accent.

11:00pm Jim’s character, Ben Campbell, just turned 21. Soon, he’s going to learn how to get 21 in Blackjack. Wow, maybe he lives on the 21st floor of a building or something.

11:01pm I recognize Josh Gad, who plays best friend Miles. He’s on that show Back to You with Kelsey Grammar. He plays a similar role. He’ll probably be typecast forever.

11:06pm When’s the last time I saw Kevin Spacey in a movie? I should look that up on IMDb when I get home.

11:15pm Now we’re getting into Blackjack and counting cards. This movie reminds me an awful lot of Rounders with Matt Damon. Guy trying to do the right thing gets pulled into gambling and ruins his life in the process.

11:30pm Check that, this is more a mix of Rounders and Swingers. You’re so money and you don’t even know it.

11:35pm Ben is denied a kiss in the subway. The whole audience feels his pain and embarrassment. I guess more than one person can relate. I’m thinking Ben will get some action soon.

11:44pm Is it just me or is Laurence Fishburne looking a little chunky in this film?

11:53pm Finally, Aaron Yoo was in Disturbia. I just saw the movie last week. Boy, that was bugging me.

12:01am Jim Sturgess and Kate Bosworth are making out. I heard they both were completely hammered when they shot this scene. Some guy with a telescope is having a good night in Vegas.

12:12am Okay, if they kick you out of Vegas, why not just go to Atlantic City? It’s even closer. I thought this kid was smart.

12:16am Just tripped a person walking back to their seats. Oops.

12:22am Spacey has a sweet “Bono from Across the Universe” costume. Nice diguise.

12:45am Okay, that was really similar to Rounders. Good thing I liked Rounders. 21 wasn’t the greatest movie ever, but it was a fun ride. Could've waited for the DVD.

12:49am I have this urge to go to a casino. Maybe I could be like Ben Campbell. After talking it over with my friend, I realize that I would suck at counting cards because I’d have to use my fingers. Oh well, better head home.


Anonymous said...

i just saw this today
i thought it was awesome!
it felt like it kept ending over and over but the parts when the kids were blowing their money were so slick. It made me want to do that.
oh you might also be interested in knowing that i wrote a 2000 word paper today on Citizen Kane.
Fun stuff...

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is this the end???
keep this machine going!