8:00pm......................................Amazing Race (Sept 17)
8:00pm......................................Prison Break (running)
9:00pm......................................Heroes (Sept 25)
10:00pm.....................................Studio 60 (Sept 18)
9:00pm......................................Veronica Mars (Oct 3)
9:00pm......................................Lost (Oct 4)
10:00pm.....................................The Nine (Oct 4)
8:30pm......................................The Office (Sept 21)
This schedule has a bit of everything; drama, action, mystery, comedy, reality. While I watch many other shows, these are the ones that I care about. Of course, some might think I am taking a risk on some of the new shows; namely: Heroes, Studio 60 and The Nine. You wouldn’t say that if you’ve seen the downloaded pilots.
The Nine literally kept me captivated for the full hour. The first act (after the first commercial) is riveting. My mouth was open in stunned silence as the story frenetically unfolded before me. If they can keep this up, we are in for a treat. This was by far, the best pilot of the fall.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip has such clever writing and fantastic characters; it’s almost impossible to dislike this show. My only issue with the pilot is that they have shown a large chunk of it during its extensive promotion campaign. I can’t wait to hear what Aaron Sorkin will write next, especially with his challenging diatribes on Christianity.
Heroes has definitely peaked my curiosity. They have a lot of interesting stories to tell with some of them being downright creepy. The last minutes of the pilot pleasantly surprised me and made me want a whole lot more. It was great even without Greg Grunberg making an appearance yet.
I am definitely excited about the upcoming TV season. I think it’s mainly because there are some smartly written shows that networks are giving a chance to. It’s nice to not be insulted with cliché programs of canned laughter, formulaic plots and cardboard characters. It’s getting to the point, where it feels like I’m watching a bunch of mini-movies each week without leaving the comfort of my couch. It’s about time.
The Amazing Race is definitely on my list. So is Heros and Lost. Studio 60, Prison Break, and the Office have even come close to hitting the mark with me. I am going to have to give Veronica Mars a shot, I have heard nothing but good about the show. and the Jury is still out on The Nine.
What are you takes on Shark and Jericho? To great hits in my opinion.
First of all, you have to trust me on The Nine. It rocks. Hard
In regards to Shark, it looks like they are trying to take House and put him in the courtroom.Granted, Justice is doing the same thing with Victor Garber but his show is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer which gives it an edge. I think I might get bored with James Woods after awhile and I also hear they are going to spend a lot of time focussing on his father-daughter relationship. Although I'm sure that the show will have some great courtroom scenes.
I have heard good things about Jericho but it stars Skeet Ulrich. I just don't think he's a good enough actor. I saw him in the show Miracles which was awesome, except for his performance. He just doesn't do it for me. I also find the subject matter more depressing than exciting. But that's just my opinion.
Thanks I almost forgot Amazing Race was starting on a Sunday. I would have missed it! :)
Amazing Race, Grey's Anatomy, Hockey Night in Canada, Studio 60, Numbers, and I hope to get into "The Office" this year. Seinfeld reruns are enjoyed at some point every night. I am very interested to see The Nine.
Totally agree about Skeet though. He is terrible.
What are your thoughts on The Wire? I've heard it's unbelievably good stuff from some credible sources.
I'll take Lost, the Office, Scrubs, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report on my list.
I'm interested in the Nine, but I'm almost positive it's gonna do the classic fantastic first season, up and down second season, disappointing third season, and then crashing and burning in season four. Exactly like what will happen with Lost.
For some reason, I'm really drawn to My Name is Earl. It's not even that funny. There's just something about Jason Lee's facial hair. I can't stop watching.
Hey Dave,
The Wire is extremely well-done but in my opinion a little hard to follow. I've watched the first two seasons and got little lost with all the lingo and numerous characters. The cool thing is that they show every detail that goes into surveilance, much more than your typical procedural drama. I did feel alot smarter every time I finished an episode and realized what was going on and who everyone was. I do recommend it, but I would suggest getting it on DVD so you can rewatch certain scenes. Then again, I may just be a little slow.
With JJ Abrams returning to Lost, this third season (now without repeats)might surprise you.
I too watch Earl, mostly for Jamie Pressley's trailer trash character and the chemistry between Earl and Randy. Some funny stuff, not Office funny, but still.
I have problems with the idea of Ugly Betty. It looks like The Princess Diaries in the fashion world. I also get annoyed with what the media deems as pretty or ugly. I know she probably has a heart of gold but it all seems so cliche. This is why I am avoiding the show all together. So I really don't know. If you want to know what new shows to download, check out my blog this Tuesday,as I talk about the new shows once again.
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